Friday, June 27, 2008

Unexpected scavenger hunt

We got an invitation to attend "Lizard Bowling" at 6:45 in Hanson - so off I went with Jamie and Joe, having no idea what "lizard" bowling actually is. When we got to the bowladrome at 6:30 the only person there was the attendant at the desk. The old man assured I he also had no idea what Lizard Bowling was but because they never do that sort of stuff here, we must be mistaken and we want to try the Hanover Alley's. 15 minutes drive later, we still did not find what we were looking for - only another virtually deserted facility. Dissapointed, yes - but determined to salvage something positive I decided we are close to Building 19-1/3 and I need new sandals. I found my new footwear, and a couple of those collapsable camping chairs (although we call them "bunny show chairs") - one a rocker and one a recliner! Joe and Jamie also found a couple of cheap prizes, and away we went. While cutting through Bryantville on our way back, I recalled that we would be going by the Mt Pleasant Cemetary where many Everson ancestors are buried - including the elusive Erastus Everson. Having never been there before we decided to try to find some ancestoral gravestones so we could let Mary know. I promised a dollar to whoever found my ancient uncle. After finding everybody BUT Erastus (and I knew he was there because brother-in-law Scott told me he's seen the stone there) it occurred to me that we should be looking for American Flags because of course Major Erastus W. Everson was a Civil War veteran and would be marked with a flag. Now the boys could run from flag to flag until Jamie yelled "FOUND HIM!".

1 comment:

On A Windy Night said...

Sorry you missed Lizard Bowling! How strange, since they sent invitations!

Sounds like a good set of alternative plans, although I am jealous you found Erastus without me! When I get back, I can't wait to see the pictures, they are tiny on the screen here!

Hope North Conway is wonderful!