Saturday, January 31, 2009


The day started fun enough - Sue & I (and a handful of other parents) served breakfast at 6:00am for Julies Senior Class Lockin - 65 sleep deprived 18 year olds looking for bacon and pancakes and bacon and english muffins and bacon and sausage and bacon eggs and ........
Needless to say, the bacon ran out fast but the kids were grateful for the rest.

Then I got stuck having to run to Hanson to resupply the rabbit and chicken feed, but made the most of it with a long fun visit at Nenna's house where numerous brothers & sisters and nieces and nephews meet for saturday morning breakfast.

Then I got stuck having to do the dump run.

Then the 3 youngest talked me into bringing them skating at John's Pond - the summertime local swimming hole. Of course I got stuck tightening everybodies skates which I hate doing! (and I wasn't even skating myself). In the winter the pond is inhabited by ice fishermen, nighttime skimobilers, and daytime skaters but the parking lot is not plowed, and the sloping entrance can become quite icy - a fact I remembered about 1 second too late. While the kids slipped and skidded around the pond (OK I admit it vaguely resembled skating) I tried to move the van out of it's spot - to no avail. I attempted all of the typical maneuvers - rocking, sand, even a piece of rug under the rear tire while Jamie & his friend Dylan pushed. Fortunately, an ice fisherman with a 4x4 truck and an emergency toe rope that he had never found the opportunity to use before now was happy to save the day. So with a little slipping and sliding and spinning of tires - and Jamie and Dylan being converted into traffic stoppers - the truck, followed closely by the van, skidded out onto the dry road. But at least the kids had fun (and I came out of it with a story with a happy ending!).

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