Tuesday, November 10, 2009

disjointed and unconnected - maybe?

As I cleaned out the Taurus so Sue could drive to Worchester on Sunday, I noticed the inspections sticker was two months overdue - so Monday I brought it in to be taken care of. Then we spent time out to lunch reminiscing about past grand adventures and plotting & planning when we might be able to repeat. Then I went to Camp Bournedale for the 7th grade special overnight program, where I reminisced about YOW retreats and fun - while trying to keep eight 12 year olds under some semblance of control. Boy the school and the church have different approaches and protocols to supervision and security issues. I got to chat with numerous teachers about past and present students, and about how everybody loved them all and had a story to tell, and ditto regarding their favorite Sub-Teacher Susan. Now I'm back home on Tuesday submitting resumes and blogging for the first time since I was layed off. Funny how I had time for this while I was working, but now that I'm not, I can't seem to fit it in!

1 comment:

margmor said...

I was wondering where you've been... perhaps using your writing toward a big book or something instead of paltry blog posts...
I'm interested to hear the safety rules compared... very interested!