Sunday, October 14, 2007


it's another meme! (received from the wonderful MARGMOR - I wonder who she really is behind that ghost-writer name?)
Here's a fun quiz made up especially for bloggers. The rules are easy. Just post the quiz on your blog and answer the questions, then pass it on to five other bloggers, and link to them in your post.
(sorry, you mistake me for someone who’s savy, or who follows the rules)

1. Do you attend the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo?
the what’s it's?
2. If you attend the TLM, how far do you drive to get there?
can't get there from here
3. If you had to apply a Catholic label to yourself, what would it be?
run-of-the-mill-poorly-trained-formerly-Protestant-basic-believer (is that even one of the choices in the available drop-down list)
4. Are you a comment junkie?
ABSOLUTELY – love to leave them (have been known to go overboard), love to see if they will actually get posted or not (someone gets all snooty and refuses to post comments that may have any hint of dissagreement or dissent - where's the fun in that, so I am compelled to see how much I can get away with saying before I cross her editor line -- BAAAH HUMBUG!) (just a little game I like to play)
I love to get them (and I don’t care if you agree or not) and am always childishly bummed when nobody leaves comments for me (I spend a lot of time being bummed)
5. Do you go back to read the comments on the blogs you’ve commented on?
Well “duh”! I love to read how witty I was!
6. Have you ever left an anonymous comment on another blog?
Sure, often – well, actually always with inserting some "witty" made-up name – I have every faith that you know who I really am! (the stupid wisecrack remarks would give it away anyway so it's not like "anonymous" is anything anonymous)
7. Which blogroll would you most like to be on?
actually, THAT I don’t put much thought into, although I suppose I would be flattered (and could be easily tricked into thinking it means you like me if you added a link to me - but alas, I'm not linked there so I know too well where I despondantly stand)
8. Which blog is the first one you check?
HerMajesty of course (Always start with the queen! Who knows, maybe she said something nice about me!)
Then, faithfully every day (work is slow, so usually OCDishly multiple times – how am I supposed to know what time of day somebody might post, and I'd hate you to have you think that you didn't get read until the next day?) Mary, Margo, Paula, Mary’s graveyard blog, my own (just in case somebody left a comment and I didn’t get the email notification – no, I don’t screen them. If you comment, it’ll be there - say whatever you want - good, bad, or scathing). Now Julie, Corey and neice Stephanie have blogs – so my list is growning.
9. Have you met any other bloggers in person?
People I know are the only ones I care to follow. It's a neat way to keep in touch despite everybodies crazy busy schedules and "other-side-of-Boston" geographical obstacles which make it hard to see each other on a regular basis
10. What are you reading?
say what? Books? (You mistake me for somebody who reads anything OTHER than your blogs?)
Well I did just review the USAHockey rule book 2007-2009 edition - time to take my annual referee test.
I pass this quiz on to :
I got no one – they are all taken already

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