Monday, October 29, 2007

Unsolicited advice that Sue say's I shouldn't leave on Katies blog

Katie, Katie, Katie….

Let me start by saying I love reading your blog. You are certainly able to clearly and thoughtfully articulate to the world (all 5 or 10 of us) your thoughts and dreams and fears. It made me smile to see me listed by name in your dream sequence. You should know that we all love you dearly and want the best for you in all that you do. So – against the advice of the smartest person I know who tells me that bloggers don’t really want to hear my opinions, and that women don’t want men to fix things but just listen – I will foolishly offer you some well intentioned words of advice and a well aimed kick in the pants (all with great love and caring).
(What can I say – I’m a father and part of a fathers job is to give unwanted advice, so here goes).
(ps: does the phrase “Be afraid, be very afraid” come to mind here?)
(Stop me if you’ve heard this one before)
(Stop here if you don’t want to hear this at all)
Katie, Katie, Katie,

you have clearly determined that God has:
1. given you a calling
2. created you with the ability to fulfill that calling
3. shown you signs
4. offered you an opportunity
5. done this all with unmistakable clarity

you are able to eloquently convince all of us that:
1. this is all true
2. you are ready for this change
3. you are excited for this to happen

why do you insist on:
1. worrying about if you should do it or not? (you already know the answer)
2. looking to friends and family for advice and guidance? (we would rather give support for your decision, but until you decide, we can't because we don't know what to support)

If you resist following God’s advice (advice you prayed for and clearly received an answer for), why on earth would you follow ours? Faith is trusting in the unknown. If you are on a journey of Faith, how can you not trust?
In your dreams, God has shown you all of the wonderful things He has already provided you with on one train. On the other train He shows you many more wonderful things that He has in store for you. At some point in time they will join together (instead of crashing into each other with one winning over the other - maybe your feeling of being pulled in different directions is a result of the effort you are supposed to go through to join the two trains together. God will give you the power to do so). He has offered you this possibility at the perfect opportune moment in your life.
(remember Captain Jack Sparrows advice: Wait for the opportune moment).
You have free will and can choose whatever path. If you are destined to be somewhere, He will get you there – no matter how hard you make it on Him (and on yourself). If you take a different path than the one He offered you, He will walk with you on your path – constantly getting in your way to try to divert you towards the right direction.
(and you will hear Captain Jack’s voice saying “If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it”)

Here is a question that you have probably heard before (it’s not my own).
“What decision would you make if you had no fears?”

I already know the answer because you have already made it clear, which means that YOU already know the answer, which in turn means that your next blog should be about what to pack and whether to fly out of Boston or Manchester.
Of course you know all of the wonderful people that you will be leaving behind – people that will continue to love and support you. What you don’t yet know is all of the wonderful people and adventures that are awaiting you in Chicago. Maybe whatever you have hoped for in life but have not yet discovered is waiting for you out there. Every moment you hesitate to go find it leaves you standing here unfulfilled and incomplete. Maybe you will go there, find what you are supposed to find, and stay. Maybe you will go there, find what you are supposed to find, and bring it back to share with us. Whatever the answer is, it’s out THERE – not here.

So there it is. My unsolicited advice, advice that I was advised against giving (clearly I don't listen to advice either). I was sternly told that normal people who write in a blog DON’T REALLY WANT TO BE GIVEN ADVICE. I am evidently not normal people – If I write a thought that inspired anyone to want to offer advice, I would hope that they would not withhold it from me – even if the advice was “DON’T BE AN IDIOT - LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE!”


HerMajesty00 said...

I am glad you listened to your wife. who DID NOT say don't tell Kate what is in your heart. I did say don't leave it on her blog! So there you go. You got to be articulate and loving and not hog someone else's blog. All while following the loving wisdom of your wife. How lucky are you?

Kate said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I am always up for advice!! Don, this is just what i needed to hear - and coming from someone like yourself makes it all the better! I'm going out there on Wednesday AM to find out what's instore for me... i am sure a blog about that will be coming!! THANKS!!!